Thursday, October 23, 2014

my vegan birthday potluck

5 years ago this month I became vegan. (Interested in my story? How it all vegan? Get it? began/vegan. Shout out to Kendra. She wrote that in my vegan birthday card . ;)) Since I've become vegan, I've dreamt of have a holiday that was purely vegan. I've always wondered what it would be like to have a completely vegan Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. Since October 2009, the holidays have been more and more vegan friendly, but not completely vegan. I have always just wanted a feast and have all of the options be available to me. :)

This year I decided to celebrate my 5 years of being vegan by hosting a vegan potluck. I am so thankful for my friends who attended and provided all the yummies. The crowd favorite was Grace's red velvet cupcakes. I made my popular buffalo cauliflower. (Interested in the recipe?)

Everything was so yummy. The lovely evening included great conversation, cornhole, playing with my dog Timber, dancing to N SYNC and Beyoncé, oh and stuffing our faces. 

Thank you for everyone who came out! I loved eating your food!

- Christina 

photos by: courtney and i