Monday, October 27, 2014

makeup techniques i want to master

me. with my minimal makeup.
Recently I've been spending hours watching beauty YouTubers (specifically Lilly Pebbles, Vivianna Does Makeup, and Hey Claire). I started following them because of their vlogs but their reviews and tutorials are very helpful as well. It's really inspired me to be more experimental with my makeup. I want to try more variety of products and brands (specifically cruelty-free and vegan, so it takes a little more research!). I'm typically very minimalist when it comes to applying makeup but now I want to learn more techniques. Here are some techniques that I want to learn: 

Cat Eyes - I have never owned liquid eyeliner. This process seems very daunting. Even people who are really good at it make mistakes. I can foresee this taking A LOT of practice.

Brows - My eyebrows are blonde. They were REALLY blonde when I was growing up. Now that I'm older, you can see that they exist. But not very much. The first half of them are there but they kind of disappear, if you know what I mean. I don't pluck them because there isn't much to pluck. I would need to shape them but that'll take some practice. Fortunately my bangs cover them for the most part. But I still want to learn!

Eyeshadow - My eyeshadow experience is one color all over my lids. I wonder what it's like to experiment more! This huge palette came in my Eyes Lip Face order. I want to use it!

Bronzer - How should it be applied? Which color is the best? I'm confused. 

BlushHow should it be applied? Which color is the best? Are they all pretty much the same? I'm confused.

Lip Liner - I have a good amount of lipsticks but no lipliner. Is there a catchall lipliner that can work for multiple colors? Which colors would be the best colors?

So I'm trying to figure things out! I'm excited about it. Beauty YouTubers are so inspiring. I have this huge haul of makeup that I received from ELF. Interested in a haul post?

Shout out to Charli Marie for her makeup storage post. I will definitely be using that as inspiration when I organize my makeup. 

Are there any techniques you want to learn or need to practice more? Any bloggers or YouTubers you suggest for tutorials? Let me know in the comments below!

- Christina