Saturday, October 11, 2014

tom. petty.

This was a complete surprise to me. One of my best friends, Dee Dee, had an extra ticket to last night's Tom Petty concert. Tom Petty is one of my favorite artists & he's extra special to me because one of Keith and I's first dates was going to a Tom Petty concert. Oh, and I flat out just love his music. We had incredible seats and I could argue this was my favorite concert. Thank you so much for inviting me, Dee Dee! Oh, I also made a Tom Petty playlist on Spotify so you can check him out. If you have heard of him, I made a point to include not so popular songs so you can listen to songs you may have not heard.

- Christina

P.S. I named the playlist "Tom Petty For Lyfe," and spelling life "lyfe" to be silly. Come to find out the Urban Dictionary definition is pretty funny. 

photos by: dee dee & i