It seems that during the holidays everyone is drawn to LUSH. I first went to LUSH last year around this time. I figured I could find some great presents there. I got some bath bombs as gifts. I also received Olive Branch Shower Gel as a Christmas gift from my dear friend Teresa last year. I loved it.
LUSH is a mostly vegan (they sometimes use honey as an ingredient), cruelty-free company. (They note a "V" next all of their vegan items.) They are very public with their stance on animal testing. So much so, that they have "fighting animal testing" printed on their bags. Not only are they ethical with animals but they insure good working conditions for the people that create their products & grow their ingredients. You can read more detailed information about LUSH here.
With all that being said, I am very inclined to shop there. So here is my mini haul! I wanted to find a vegan surf spray & I found LUSH's Sea Spray. I figured it was worth a shot & I LOVE IT. I have never used a surf spray before so I have nothing to compare it to, but I feel it does a good job. It's a great way to add texture, waves, & a GREAT smell to my hair. It smells so fresh, clean and natural. It works well when your hair is wet or dry. The other day I spray it in my hair wet and when it was dry. (It just gave my hair some extra body midday.) I'm happy with how my hair looks with this product. It really works for me because I shower in the morning and don't have time do my hair. This surf spray just gives my hair body that I wouldn't have if it just dried naturally. It also doesn't have a crunchy, hair gel feel which is great!
I also decided to try a face mask. The Cupcake Fresh Face Mask has the best reviews out of all of the face masks. I was also draw to it because it's described as helpful for spotty skin. I've been having major breakouts lately, so I thought it was worth a try. Right after I tried it, I noticed my face calmed down. My skin feels so soft. I really need to stop touching it. I think this "pot" (they call the containers pots) will last me about 3 masks. If you return 5 pots to LUSH you can get a free face mask. (Or you can use the pots to plant cacti ;). See here.) They're pretty affordable for $6.95!
I'm really happy with haul & will definitely buy these products again. Do you have any favorite LUSH products?
- Christina
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